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Be Virtual Ready

Meet Communicate Collaborate With NextMeet® Expo, Try it for FREE

Download now to explore the metaverse



1. Download and Install the application on the desired device, Windows, macOS, android or ioS

2. Register with an email,

3. Verify email, Login in to the installed application, select avatar and you are ready to walk, talk, chat inside the 3D space

User Guide

Step into the future of Remote Working

With NextMeet® solve the remote working challenges and engage with your WFH team from the farthest locations.

Experience Remote Learning in an Immersive 3D World

NextMeet® enables students, colleges and learners to interact with each other in an immersive 3D virtual world.

Customized 3D World for your Virtual Events

Take your events online and attract attendees from all around the world. Launches, Conferences, Trade Fairs there’s space for every event.
Working services

Step into the future of Remote Working

With NextMeet solve the remote working challenges and engage with your WFH team from the farthest locations.

A Virtual experience like no other!

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What is NextMeet®?

NextMeet® is an Avatar based Immersive PC / VR MetaVerse platform that enables remote working, collaboration, meetings, distance learning & networking for business, education & events. A virtual experience for workers, attendees, students to meet & socialize from across the world.

Designed To Remove Isolation From Traditional Remote Work.

Better Than Text Chat. Convenient Than Video Calls. Powerful Than Video Conferences.

Dedicated 3D Spaces For Meeting, Virtual Event Platform, Learning, And Working. Display Content On Web Screens, Brand Your Digital Space And Make It Your Own.

How we do the job

Proudly presented projects

Take on any chalenge of the digital world

3dicon keyboard
Marketing 95%
Communication 90%
Design 78%
Execution 99%

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3dicon chat
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Key Features

3D spatial voice
Experience a realistic 3D voice while you talk to each other.
Expo Halls with banner hosting stands
Businesses and hosts can display their banners in our 3D Expo stands
Networking Lounge
A separate space for networking and interacting with people attending the event.
Help Desk
A dedicated Help desk to assist you better and answer your queries in real-time
Universal chat
This option gives you the advantage of starting a conversation with anyone inside the platform
Presentation screen in the conference hall
Event Speakers or hosts can show their presentations to participants through the presentation screen
Walkable 3D avatars in the platform
Walk in our platform as a customizable 3D avatar

Our Clients

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What our clients say about us


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